Twinkle Toes – Sulcata Tortoise

× Twinkle Toes Sulcata Tortoise – currently 100 lbs Sulcata Tortoises are the third-largest land tortoise in the world.  We purchased Twinkle Toes off in 2008.  When he was shipped here his shipping got delayed for a day in the FedEx shipping center...

Charlotte – Reticulated Python

× Charlotte Reticulated Python – currently 17 ft long Reticulated Pythons are the longest species of snake in the world. We purchased Charlotte from a local breeder in late 2009. She made appearances at a variety of events for years across the state of Utah and...

Darthgator – American Alligator

× Darthgator American Alligator – currently 8 ft long We purchased Darthgator in 2009 from a breeder in Florida shortly after we received approval and our permit from the State of Utah to use crocodilians in our educational programs.Darthgator was less than a...

Emery Richins

× Emery Richins Owner’s Daughter Emery is the second youngest of the Scales and Tails crew. Born into the life of reptiles and birds, she is an avid animal enthusiast who likes to teach other children her age about these amazing creatures. Emery loves to show...

Joey Jensen

× Joey Jensen Crew Joey Jensen grew up locally in Utah, and found his inspiration for working with reptiles through a presentation done by our owner Shane Richins. Since that day, he’s thrown himself into his passion, spending hours watching nature shows with specific...